A guide to H2B Visa


Companies in the United States (primarily in the resort and landscaping industries) always have an unmet need for seasonal workers. The number of H-2B visa applications for New Year’s Day 2019 was 96,400, up from 81,600 last year, according to the USCIS. As a result of the large number of forms submitted, the server crashed.

What is visa h2b?

The H-2B visa is a type of visa offered by US Citizenship and Immigration Services. This is meant to allow corporations to bring in aliens to work in the non-agricultural sector in the United States for a set amount of time. The form is filled out by agencies or employers residing in the United States who seek to hire temporary workers from other countries. H-2B visas are then provided to the workers. Our spanish friends can look here for more information, abogados de inmigracion en houston

The total number of H-2B visas available has been set at 66,000 by the USCIS. Visas are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. The visas are issued in two batches of 33,000 each, one in January and the other in June. The majority of companies seeking H-2B visas apply on January 1st of each year, i.e., New Year’s Day. The six-month period for which the application has been granted commences on April 1st.

Who is eligible for the H-2B visa?

The person who is meant to be given an H2B Visa must meet the requirements set forth by the Department of Labor (us Department of Labor). First and foremost, USCIS only allows workers from specific nations to enter the country. Every year, this is changed and published in the Federal Register notice. H2B Visas are available to non-immigrants who are considered temporary employees.

The requirement can be one-time, seasonal, or peak demand, but it must be strictly temporary for a set length of time. They also can’t work in agricultural or associated services. Aside from that, there are no educational or other requirements to receive a Visa.

Employer Participation

Employers play a role in the qualification process as well. They must be based in the United States and have a temporary labor certification. They’ll also have to show documentation of the temporary labor they’ll be doing and that there aren’t enough Americans to fill the positions.

Finally, the qualification will entail consultation with employment agencies in order to make a final determination on whether or not the H2B Visa will be granted. For a complete list of eligibility requirements, please click here abogado vega houston


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